Truth Squad: Supplements For Eye Health

Much of this research has surrounded age-related macular degeneration , or AMD, a leading cause of vision loss . It’s a big problem; 8 million people are at risk for experiencing AMD, and 1.75 million people have an advanced form of AMD, according to the National Eye Institute . It is expected that the number of people who have AMD will double by the year 2020. So, when a large study called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study , or AREDS, found that people at high risk for advanced AMD lowered their risk of the disease by about 25 percent when treated with a high-dose combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and zinc, eye health researchers took heed. The 2001 clinical trial, sponsored by the National Eye Institute , also found that taking these supplements reduced the risk of vision loss caused by advanced age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, by about 19 percent. Supplements Still No Magic Bullet for Eye Health However, there is no evidence from this study to suggest that taking nutritional supplements can prevent people who currently do not have vision problems from getting AMD in the future, said Dr. Emily Chew, deputy director of the Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Research at the National Eye Institute, and a lead researcher in the AREDS study.
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The truth about health supplements

Bottles with diet supplements containing the dietary supplement

Two lanes blocked on The L.I.E./I-495 EB at X53/Crooked Hill Rd. Stop and go traffic from X52/Commack Rd in Suffolk Cnty Accident. Two lanes blocked on The L.I.E./I-495 EB at X53/Crooked Hill Rd. Stop and go traffic from X52/Commack Rd in Suffolk Cnty 9/15/13 In Farmingdale road construction. two lanes closed on Rt-110 SB between CR-47/Great Neck Rd/Main St and Southern Pky In Farmingdale road construction. two lanes closed on Rt-110 SB between CR-47/Great Neck Rd/Main St and Southern Pky 9/15/13 In Melville closed due to road construction on The L.I.E./I-495 EB between X49/Rt-110 and X50/Bagatelle Rd In Melville closed due to road construction on The L.I.E./I-495 EB between X49/Rt-110 and X50/Bagatelle Rd The truth about health supplements Friday June 21, 2013 12:38 PM By Brian T. Dessart Photo credit: AP | Bottles with diet supplements containing the dietary supplement ephedra sit on shelves at a health product store in Watertown, Mass.
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Vitamins and Vitamin Supplements: Use Increases in America

Shocking NYC Crime Scenes Locations Then and Now

Of particular interest to the researchers were vitamin D, calcium and folic acid supplements. Too Much Hype? ABC News contacted several experts on the subject. While none was surprised by the increased use of vitamins, nearly all of them agreed that a healthy diet is a better alternative to nutrients in pill form. “People are looking for help with what they believe is a problem but trying to solve it the wrong way,” said Dr. Darwin Deen, clinical professor in the department of family and social medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
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Vitamins Don’t Make Girl Scout Cookies Healthful

This is the era in which, instead of eating calcium-rich foods, we eat calcium-enriched foods that make sure you know about that in big letters on the label. Or the ones with antioxidants or the omega 3 fatty acids. Particularly if its the only claim to health fame they can make. And its one of several reasons to be suspicious of government attempts to engineer our eating habits through bans, taxes and other restrictions.
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The best vitamins that aid in weight loss

Foods that contain choline should be included in daily meals in order to get rid of the excess fats gained from eating fatty foods. Chromium Chromium is a trace mineral found in cereals and grains. It aids in weight loss by helping the body break down fats and carbohydrates. Chromium also provides an energy boost that is useful for workouts. Without chromium, the body finds it difficult to burn off excess fats and turn them into energy. As a result, the excess fats are stored in the body and the person gains weight. Conclusion The vitamins in this list are just some of the vitamins that Dr.
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B vitamins slow progression of Alzheimer’s: Study

The new findings came from a reanalysis of data originally collected in 2010 from 271 older adults suffering from mild cognitive impairment, a form of memory loss considered a potential precursor to Alzheimer’s disease. Although the brain naturally shrinks as we get older (about 0.5 percent per year), in people with mild cognitive impairment this shrinkage takes place twice as fast as usual. In Alzheimer’s patients, shrinkage takes place four times as fast as usual. The researchers assigned participants to take either a placebo pill or a high daily dose of three B vitamins – folic acid (0.8 mg), vitamin B6 (20 mg) and vitamin B12 (0.5 mg) – over the course of two years. They found that memory loss halted in those who took the B vitamins, but not in those who took the placebo. The vitamins also slowed brain shrinkage by 50 percent compared to the placebo, but only in patients with higher-than-normal blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine. The homocysteine connection In healthy humans, homocysteine levels are low because the amino acid is quickly transformed into other substances, including the memory-regulating chemical acetylcholine.
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Do kids need vitamins?

Parents, be good role models. Plan, prepare and eat meals as a family, and be patient. As with any change, it may take a while for your kids (and you) to ask for seconds of salad, but it will happen. Stir fries made with brown and wild rice, lean protein and lots of vegetables are quick, tasty and nutritious dinners and make great leftovers for lunchboxes the next day. There are also lots of gluten free pastas on the market these days (my personal favourite is the quinoa pasta). Make a quick marinara sauce and sprinkle with a little cheese and you have a healthy version of a familiar family staple.
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Government Panel: Hormone Therapy ‘not Recommended’

Can hormone therapy help protect the brain?

Women involved in that trial were actually at higher risk for many of the problems that hormone therapy was supposed to prevent. Data from the Women’s Health Initiative and other large-scale trials suggest estrogen plus progestin therapy moderately reduces risk for fractures but increases the chance of developing strokes, dementia, deep vein thrombosis, urinary incontinence and gallbladder disease. For patients taking estrogen only, the picture is similar. As with combination therapy, the risk of fractures is lower, but there is an increased risk of stroke, gallbladder disease, deep vein thrombosis and urinary incontinence.
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Hormone therapy: Is it right for you?

No doctor will ever be able to convince me that I shouldn’t take my estrogen. My doctor told me that is why I still look good for my age and have all my facilities about me. Take the estrogen away you take my good life. What would happen if men didn’t get their viagara?? November 4, 2012 at 09:35 | Report abuse | Susan I’ve taken HRT 18 years since my early 40’s. When I hit 50 my male ob-gyn said he was going to cut me off HRT.
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Hot flashes are a symptom of menopause for which some women may seek treatment with hormone replacement therapy.

Minimize the amount of medication you take. Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time needed to treat symptoms, unless you’re younger than age 45, in which case you need enough estrogen to provide protection against long-term health effects of estrogen deficiency. If you have lasting menopausal symptoms that significantly impair your quality of life, your doctor may recommend longer-term treatment. Seek regular follow-up care. See your health care provider regularly to ensure that the benefits of hormone therapy continue to outweigh the risks, and for screenings such as mammograms and pelvic exams.
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Faking A Pregnancy Is Inadvisable; Courts Agree

(BrownGuacamole/ flickr ) According to multiple reports, positive pregnancy tests are available for purchase on Craigslist . Whywould someone sell such a thing, and why would anyone purchase it? The answer to both questions, according to legal experts, may not only be immoral and unethical, but criminal. Outside the world of soap operas, faking pregnancy can be a crime.
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Drinking During Early Pregnancy and Birth Woes

After bub arrives Resuming sex after your baby is born will depend on factors such as the type of delivery you had, if you have stitches or have had a caesarean section, and whether your baby is a good sleeper. The main issues are pain and tiredness. Dr Cass cautions that if couples have penetrative sex too soon after the birth before the perineum (the area around the vaginal opening and anus) has healed properly it can be painful and uncomfortable for the female and create apprehension around the idea of sex in the future. Women who have had difficult deliveries are particularly at risk of future problems if they rush to resume their sex life too early. The Australian Breastfeeding Association has an excellent booklet called Sex and the Breastfeeding Woman, which has advice for the first time you have sex postnatally (and its a good read if you are bottlefeeding too).
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Sex during pregnancy and after birth

One unit was defined as equal to a glass of wine or a little less than a 12-ounce bottle of beer. One quarter said they had engaged in low alcohol consumption, meaning three to seven units a week, while just over 10 percent said they had engaged in moderate consumption — eight to 14 units a week. Five percent reported drinking heavily — more than 14 units a week. At the extreme end, more than one-third of the women said they had consumed six or more units of alcohol in one session in the three months before becoming pregnant — a practice defined as binge drinking. And nearly a quarter of those women said they’d binged during the first 15 weeks of their pregnancy.
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